June 22, 2009

And like a prom dress...

I am off.

The Girl and I are - by now - hanging in our nation's capital, visiting the Smithsonian, checking out the FDR memorial, visiting with Einstein, and trying the supposed best steak in the DC area.

We've got three ball games lined up - in DC, in Philly, and in Baltimore.

We've got signed letters to let us each grab books from the Library of Congress.

And, best of all, we're doing it all without ever touching a steering wheel.

Amtrak from the Queen City at 3:30 in the morning across Ohio, WV, and VA to the capital, then regional trains to Philly and Baltimore and back.

Photos will, of course, follow when we get back into town in early July.

'Til then, I've got a bunch of posts lined up, but I won't be replying to any comments until I get back.

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