July 16, 2009

Two tactics

I'm not a religious man. I'll readily admit to that.

In fact, to say that I'm not a religious man is probably underselling my general attitude toward religion.

It's probably truer to say that I simply don't understand religion at all.

I don't understand how people can believe that there is a greater force in the universe - especially a greater force that is somehow personified - that drives us, creates us, and wants to dictate how me act during our time in this life.

Often times, this total befuddlement leads to cynicism and mockery of religion from me.

That being said, I recognize that many people - many of you, my readers - have a great deal of faith - either in a God or in the religion through which his/her/its presence manifests to us. Because of my respect for your faith - I don't get it, but I know it's important to you - I try to always keep my cynicism in check.

Sometimes, though, a bit of light ribbing can be fun. To see two ways in which religious mocking can be lighthearted and not (in my eyes, anyway) hateful, check out Mr Diety, a web show about the Christian God, his personal assistant, and their efforts to communicate His word without being misunderstood. Then try this single webcomic - which is admittedly far too wordy for its own good - over at Subnormality.

But always remember that there is a more confrontational, less kind, just outright mean way to make obvious your hatred of religions - a position and tone that is continually taken at Unreasonable Faith.

Personally, I prefer Mr Diety's way.

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