September 10, 2009

Wikiing a wiki

I'm a narcissist, I'll admit it.

I've thought about putting myself on Wikipedia. 

I've thought about setting up a wiki for my classroom so newbies could have some sort of guidance - from students, not from me - as to what my class is actually like and what they need to do to succeed.

Or maybe a wiki about Princeton High School - or the whole Princeton district - to gather all the info we can before the info goes away.  (Though, honestly, the info I want is held by the people least likely to use a wiki - oldsters.)

I haven't actually done any of these, but not necessarily because I think they're bad ideas...more because I don't actually know how to set up a wiki.

Thankfully, Wikia now lets anybody set up a wiki using their site.

Anybody wanna give the princeton or Dusch wiki a try?


  1. I've been curious to see how these things work too - what if you and me tried to put together a P4P Wiki - we could tell the LLS about it once we were happy with it and maybe other schools could join?

  2. you could just go the kraze route and have someone write your memoirs. its like a wiki.... but more James Bond sounding

  3. OH even better. have one of your indentured servants (i believe princeton refers to them as T.A.'s) work on that. that would prob be worth one of the sweet viking merit awards

    "[insert name] has been a huge help in my classroom. Just yesterday he/she created my own wikipedia page so that my life will be chronicled amongst Hitler, Stalin, and Hello Kitty. For this, I salute [insert name]."

    granted.. its no gluing stars to the ceiling, but it is a pretty big deal
