October 11, 2009

Saturday links a day late


  1. After the first two links listed, I met with deadends for the rest of the links...

    not sure what's up, but figured you'd want to know

  2. Thanks for the heads up.

    Blogger was having problems on Saturday, so I typed these up in Word. Apparently there was a formatting problem with the quotation marks.

    Should all be working now.

  3. bulletpoint #1 references my favorite chapter in Watchmen... maybe my favorite single chapter of any book ive ever read. gives me chills every time

  4. That is a pretty awesome chapter - the Mars one - and one that I think the movie got spot on.

  5. agreed. there is something about reading that chapter though as opposed to just watching it unfold. The suspense/wtfness is greater until you finally get to the end.

    The movie may not be one of the best of all time, but I do think it did a solid job of carbon-copying the book (aside from the atrociously awkward sex scene), but because of this really lost some theatrical zest it could have had. Either way, it has one of the best trailers of all time.
