November 18, 2009

So much want...

I don't actually want a Whatnot, but I do desperately want to go to FAO Schwartz to try my hand at making one of my own, seeing it be made, and then testing it out.

I don't know that I'd actually play with it - especially after reading this review that says...
it's really not made for adult hands (at least not mine). It's a tight squeeze through the neck, but once your hand is in the head, it's not too bad although your body doesn't easily let you forget that feat. When it comes right down to it, it's still essentially a toy.
Plus, it reads like the Muppet Whatnot Workshop has dropped a few of the possible features this year.

Woulda been kind of cool to have seen the Whatnots take over the Today show.

Thanks to TL for pointing this all out.

My Whatnot, in case you were curious...

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