December 5, 2009

Update: Zilch

I'm still rolling through Zilch.

Just earned award #114 of 120.

I know what some of the other awards are...
  • second row - 13000, 14000, and 15000 total score - tough to get because you have to have a rockin' turn when you're already up above 9500
  • third row - 10 losses in a row (I'll have that in two more games)...500 total games finished (I'm just over 200, so that'll take a while.)
But that one in the bottom right has me totally stumped.  It's called Amnesiac, and it's in the middle of a bunch of other game setup-related awards (checked awards, read the rules, etc).

Anybody have any idea what it takes to earn that one?

PS - I should have checked the internet for a list of zilch awards before asking.

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