February 10, 2010

Back on the High Line...again...


From what I can tell, the denizens of the Big Apple had some old train tracks that they weren't using any more, and they'd kinda stopped mowing the grass up there.  After a little while - like ten or twenty years - people noticed that some drought-resistant grasses and trees were growing among the old iron rails and thought "Hey, let's make a park."

A park in the sky...with rainbows water fountains and gum drop benches and cotton candy walkways...

Ok, not quite.

But some people did get together and start fund raising to turn the old railways - known as the High Line - into New York City's newest park, known simply as The High Line.  The first part of the park opened this past June, and the rest is going to open in stages as the redesign is completed.

The place looks awesome...check out their blog for some outstanding pics from the first six or so months of the High Line.  (I do warn you that a few of the pics are a little on the (insert chili pepper here) side of things).

This thing looks great, and I love the reclamation project.

Go Big Apple...





  1. That is awesome!

    I'm going to make my sister take me to NYC and that park next time I'm in New Haven, CT.

  2. Hey - your pictures are back!

  3. Lee - I'm thinking it would be a cheap and worthwhile side trip. The City (and it does deserve to be capitalized, it is the World City) is amazingly regenerative.

    Calen - that's the subject of today's post. Apparently two weeks without students gives me enough time.
