February 20, 2010

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day - a week late

You know, some things just make you say "you know?"...


  1. I think the MadTV bit might have been a little more funny to me if I didn't teach those exact two personalities everyday during 6/7th bell.

  2. Oh...and I want a T shirt with the Green Labs logo on it.

  3. Calen - weirdly, I can't find any proof that Green Labs actually exists. I just emailed the page that I found suggesting he's the designer of the logo, but I can't find the company or project online anywhere.

    And the two contestants are still hilarious.

  4. tecmo super bowl is one of the top 5 the greatest games of my lifetime.

  5. Once they changed from Tecmo Bowl (without players names) to Super Tecmo Bowl (with players names), the game reached a level of perfection that has rarely been approached since.

  6. I have witnessed Werewolf at GenCon, but never participated in a game. I did grow up playing Murder in the Dark and Wink Murder. You never played one of those games in my basement?

  7. Gamer - I don't remember playing either of those ever - in your basement or otherwise.
