June 3, 2010

Summer plans

Last summer I threw up my list of summer tasks but I didn't follow through with getting back to you at the end of the summer.  That's mostly because I didn't accomplish very many of the things on that list.

So, this summer, I'll make sure to follow up on this.  Hell, there needs to be a little accountability around these parts.

Here's the to-do list for summer 2010:
  • Get rid of 20 cd's
  • Replace electrical covers in hall bathroom
  • Undo first, unsuccessful attempt at picture rail
  • Mount second, soon-to-be-successful attempt at picture rail
  • Remount (or dispose of) bulletin board
  • Edge driveway
  • Trim front bushes
  • Cut sod to expand garden
  • Throw compost into garden & till
  • Split & re-pot plants from The Girl's school
  • Clear out clothes from closet
  • Look into ornamental grasses in front
  • Get & mount electrical covers for bedroom
  • Play frisbee golf ten times
  • Tidy laundry room storage
  • Split & move wood pile
  • Clean gutters
  • Replace broken gutter
  • Replace fence post (by wood pile)
  • Replace fence posts (by Ann & Paul)
  • Cut & nail quarter round in living room
  • Pop ten honeysuckles
  • Redo school storage cabinets (lettered drawers)
  • Sort through school drawers (in front desk)
  • Sort through wardrobe at school
  • Post old photo albums to Picasaweb
  • Identify faces on Picasa
  • Get fence estimates
  • Plant new trees
  • Read five books (graphic novels don't count)
  • Trench drainage by deck
  • Trench drainage by Ann & Paul

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