August 16, 2010

Bonus content...and points...

As I tend to do pretty much every year around this time, I'll make an offer to any of my new students - nothing for the AP folks if they've already had me in class in previous years.

Five points if you email me and say you saw this.  Five more points for posting a response to this post.

Offer only good for the first five students, and only to students who are new to my class this year.

Update:  All points are now claimed...feel free to create an account and hop into the blog commenting world, but there won't be points for doing it.


  1. hey Mr. Dusch i saw the thing for points on your blog so i thought id leave a comment

  2. by the way if you didnt know this is Christian from your 1st bell

  3. It's Emily Roper and I want some five points! :)

  4. It's Katy Speed and I would like my 5 points.

  5. So far...four students have emailed me...three have posted comments...

    One more email will gets points...and two more comments will, too

  6. This is Alex from your third bell, I'd like those 5 points please!

  7. And that's all the emails...still one comment to be had...

  8. it's westendorf third bell,

  9. And we're done here...I'll get the points recorded in the next couple of days, folks.

  10. And all those points have now been recorded...congrats on having infinite percent right now...
