October 11, 2010

Food blogs I've known

I've said it before, but the simple charms of a food blog with good recipes and great photos is hard to top.

Today I offer you three of those.

First up is Bon Appetempt in which the blogger tries to recreate cover recipes from various cooking magazines and offers up views of her versions.

Next is Our Life in the Kitchen where the photos are the big story.  The gorgeous photos are about 95% of the content of the blog which show every single step in the cooking process.

And finally comes my favorite, Homesick Texan.  I would eat dang near every recipe that this displaced Texan posts.  Chipotle chicken tacos...apple Dutch baby with green chiles...fried pickles...roasted chicken with chipotles...Texas pulled pork...green chili chowder...capirotada, Mexican bread pudding...chipotle mac and cheese with bacon...

Holy crap that all sounds awesome.

Good eatin', folks...


  1. This post is really making me miss having a kitchen to cook in..or food not made on campus.

  2. I haven't lived without a kitchen other than a single summer in Terre Haute. I went from my parents' house to a fraternity house (fair game to cook) to a flat overseas (with a small kitchen) to my own apartment to a couple of houses. I wouldn't have cared back when, but whenever The Girl and I go traveling for any length of time, we both kinda go nuts without some home-cooked food.
