October 20, 2010

Keeping Faith in the Air

Dude, this Christian Juggler guy apparently lives about five minutes from my house.

Yeah, there's some sort of Christian message with the presentation and everything, but that's not the point.

This dude can rock the juggling thing.  He's kinda awesome.

Wonder if he does any non-churchy performances.


  1. How do you get all churchy with juggling? Next thing you know people will be all churchy with ventriloquism or yo yo's or something.

    Just perform, ditch the message.

  2. There are some people that bring their faith into anything.

    Ordering a burger at Micky D's? Remember to pray before that.

    Watering the lawn? Mention to the neighbor that it's God's will for the dry weather.

    Throw a couple of balls into the air? Tell everybody about the Lord's benefits before they hit the ground.
