December 29, 2010

Toss the turtle

No, that's not a hell of a euphemism...

That's an online flash game called Toss the Turtle that combines a number of my favorite aspects to these types of games...
  • ...violence.  You're firing a turtle out of a cannon and trying to hit bombs, chainsaw-wielding maniacs, fireballs, spikes, and much more.
  • ...upgrades.  I particularly recommend upgrading to a more powerful cannon as soon as you can.
  • ...medals.  I've won most of the medals by playing for a couple of hours.  The rest of the medals are endurance-type ones that I may or may not win.
So, see if you can beat my biggest launch to date...1 478 813.9 ft...

...or win as many medals as I have...

And just to make things a little more reasonable, here's a screencap of my first biggest launch that I was going to post.  Try aiming for this at the start.


  1. I only read the entire post so I could look to see what other tabs you had open on your screen cap...

  2. Admittedly, I checked the tabs before taking every screencap.
