January 27, 2011

Why are you emphasizing the H?

I've seen this before but wandered upon it again this past weekend while clicking from one YouTube video to another. 

In general, I don't love Family Guy - can barely tolerate it a lot of the time, in fact - but I find this bit hilarious.


  1. I did too...the first three times they used the joke in the series. But by now it's been so overdone I cringe a bit every time I see it.

  2. I did not know that. What helps me is that I don't actually watch the show (haven't since the first year or two it was on) so I don't get tired of their repetitive jokes.

  3. The show is offensive and inappropriate. I still don't understand Brian and Stewie's relationship...there are parts that I think are genius and parts that I absolutely can not watch.

    My favorite is the "DAMN Nature! You Scary" tv show within their tv show...

  4. I would weigh the 'genius' versus 'unwatchable' parts at about 1% to 99%. For every funny joke, there are hundreds of unfunny jokes.

    The relationships make no sense. Sometimes people can understand Stewie - sometimes they can't. Sometimes Brian is a dog, sometimes a short person.

    It's crap...

    But the Whip thing is funny.
