March 30, 2011

Senate Bill 5...bad for education...bad for Ohio

Sorry, didn't know that the videos were auto-play.

I'm putting them behind the jump, but the post is still here.

The Ohio House of Representatives today passed their amended version of Senate Bill 5, greatly decreasing my rights as a public employee to collectively bargain my safety, my benefits, my pay.

I'm not happy about this, but I am happy about knowing that there are Representatives like Armond Budish to speak for me as he did here today.

And I'm disappointed that it's William Coley - who spoke right after Budish today - who actually represents the people of my district.

The bill now heads back to the Senate to be find a compromise between the House and Senate versions of the bill. It'll likely be on Governor Kasich's desk in the next couple of days.

From there, it's likely headed to a referendum. Thanks to Calen, here are the details of that likely referendum:
  • April 6 - Target date for legislation to be filed with Secretary of State for placement on November 2011 ballot. 
    • Legislation must be signed by Governor, Speaker, President of Senate.
    • If legislation is NOT filed by April 6, a referendum would mean that the bill would not go into effect into the referendum on November, 2012
  • Not all or nothing
    • Petitions can be filed to stop ALL or PART of a piece of legislation.
  • 1,000 initial signatures needed to circulate referendum petition
    • Summary of bill - Attorney General certifies as 'fair and truthful'
    • Text of bill - Secretary of State certifies test of the bill
    • Petition itself must include:
      • Full text of legislation
      • Summary of legislation
      • Both certifications (Attorney General & Secretary of State)
  • 90/10
    • 90 days - Number of days to file referendum petition with Secretary of State.
    • 10 days - Number of days to file supplemental signatures with Secretary of State if insufficient valid signatures on initial petition
  • 231,149 
    • Minimum number of signatures needed to file the referendum petition = 6% of total vote for Ohio Governor in 2010
  • 346,724
    • Projected target number of signatures to help insure minimum number of signatures is met (150% of 231,149 number)
  • 44 counties
    • Need to have at least 3% of the gubernatorial vote in 44 Ohio counties
  • July 5
    • Deadline for filing petition with Secretary of State if legislation is filed on April 6
  • Ohio Ballot Board drafts ballot language
    • Secretary of State - Jon Husted, chairperson
    • William N Morgan, vice-chairperson
    • Senator Keith Fabor
    • Fred Strahorn
    • Rebecca L Egelhoff, esq (?)
  • NO
    • Ballot question will be 'shall the law be approved?'

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