March 23, 2011

The Silent Man

How can this be true?

Clarence Thomas has been on the Supreme Court since late 1991. This year marks the twentieth anniversary of Tomas's appointment to the court.

At some point this year, Clarence Thomas may step up and ask a question during oral arguments. When he does, it'll be his first question...his first question in five years.

C'mon, seriously?

Five years and absolutely no questions asked at all...none...not one? And one question in the past thirteen years?

The Supreme Court is absolutely the coolest part of our government. These are people appointed for life...forever...for always. They have no checks and balances in the least at all. These people are in control of enforcing that everything that we do in our country follows the Constitution. They are the defenders of our most sacred document.

And this man doesn't think that he has anything to ask...anything...nothing at all?

That's a joke.

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