April 25, 2011

What one little kid can teach us

There are parts of that video that I very much enjoy.

First off, there's Brian Wilson's beard. It's pretty awesome. I'm actually thinking about growing my beard out like that and dying it a jet black like the man does.(To see what kind of weird freak he is, go searching out his appearance on the George Lopez Show.)

Secondly, there's the Giants' Seal or whatever. His dancing's pretty cool.

Third, there's the...um...the...and...ur...

The rest is pretty much atrocious.

It's atrocious enough that I went hunting down the kid with the Giants. Apparently he's Keenan Cahill, a sixteen-year old who suffers from MPS Type VI, a rare disease. I don't know what's up with the kid. I'm sure he's had a tough life and all, but I don't care about him.

All I know is that he's a weird looking kid who lip synchs really badly. I'm guessing that his disease might have something to do with it. Maybe that's why his head is oddly shaped and why his mouth moves so oddly (and probably why we don't actually hear him speaking.)

Yeah, I get it: I'm mean. I'm heartless. I'm cruel.

But, c'mon, most of us aren't interesting. Most of us don't have a hell of a lot of talent. Most of us aren't interesting.

Most of us have absolutely no reason to be filming ourselves and posting the video on the website...NONE AT ALL.

We're boring.

This kid is boring. His videos are generally pretty poorly produced. There is no reason for any of us to know that he exists.

We are all famous to a very small circle of people.

Let's focus on those people and ignore the poorly produced, stupid videos of the world.

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