May 10, 2011

Some interesting kuriositas

Today's bit of info is just a link to a blog: kuriositas.

The blog to which I'm linking, however, is one of the more fascinating, well-run single-writer blogs out there. It's a bit tough to describe just what the focus of the blog is as it consists mostly of two types of posts. One post is a pretty standard video embed. The writer favors Vimeo embeds over YouTube and provides a few quick comments about the video being embedded. Those posts are fine and interesting, largely because he (I'm assuming he, though I have absolutely no idea there) finds videos that I've not seen posted anywhere else - expect on blogs that reference kuriositas.

The second types of posts are the more interesting and less frequent, numbering typically one a day. They involve some semi-significant research into a topic typical of a blog named after curiosities. One day might be about the largest wooden structure in the world. The next might be about the sheep now inhabiting Hobbiton in New Zealand, or a drastically off the beaten path series of photos of a gorgeous geyser. All of these photo posts properly source the photographers and sometimes discuss the challenges of getting free rights to post photos from Flickr.

The amount of work that must go into maintaining a blog of this level of quality must be huge, and I'm gonna direct traffic its way. So check it out, folks.

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