June 29, 2011

Governor Rick Perry, Christian

Separation of church and what?

I have no problems with people believing what they want to believe. No problems with people worshiping in gigantic, stadium-sized churches. But it feels somehow wrong to have the governor of a state come out and encourage it this openly and blatantly.


  1. Wow...I've said it before and I know it comes as no surprise to you and your readers, but...

    I pray everyday and I believe in God (see that capital "G" there? That's proof) but somehow if my elected officials send a message of "I don't know how to fix that, let's just pray real hard" I'm scared.

    If that's the solution to our problems, they haven't been listening in church...I don't want to get all evangelical on what is usually a pretty agnostic borderline atheistic blog, but this little event isn't what I've ever been taught prayer is about.

    Nor how it will be answered...and, holy crap...seriously? We're going to pray about the economic crisis? Yeah...that'll work.

  2. These are your people, Calen.

    The apathists in the crowd try to rely on stuff like helping each other, government debates and policies, community support to solve our problems.

    Other people choose to look to the skies and hope it all works out.

    And I wouldn't call my blog borderline atheistic. It - and I - am solidly so.

  3. On a big spectrum of people, Rick Perry is closer to you than he is to me. That certainly doesn't mean you and he are the same.


    And it's not because you're Irish.
