August 1, 2011

Another fallen

This past week Princeton lost Lamar Williams, the third player lost from the football team in the past three years.

The first was Ryan Sawyer who died in a car crash on a wet, dark road in Mason.

The second was Jovante Woods who died from as asthma attack in his home.

Lamar Williams "was shot after he participated in a robbery, according to Springdale police," as a Cincinnati Enquirer article writes.

I haven't been around school yet, having just gotten back from a week-long material science camp in Dayton, and I'm not close to most of the students on the football team, so I have no real idea how Princeton's students and staff are taking things, but I wonder how we will remember to mourn the person and the loss but remind our students that this young man clearly put himself in a bad situation, one that can lead very easily where it seems to have lead.

Photo source

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