November 1, 2011

Cincy Shirts

I'm not a born and raised Cincinnatian, so there are a number of shirts for offer by that I don't get, but they're still fun.


  1. you don't get the King Cobra from KI?

  2. I was aware of that one, but there are a bunch of logos on the site that I don't know at all.

  3. The first one is referencing the Cincinnati Royals ( I think) the other is saying Ken Anderson (jersey #14) is greater than Carson Palmer (jersey #9)

  4. i was wrong about the first one. The first one refers to the old Kentucky Colonels basketball team.

    What other ones can I try to explain?

  5. I think, actually, the 14>9 is about Andy Dalton (14) versus Caron Palmer (9), isn't it?

    I saw the Colonels on their website and love that they brought that one back.

    The ones I don't know would be...Jump Cafe Bar...King Kwik...Gold Circle...Fantasy Farms...Vertigo...van Leuens...Zantigo Mexican Restaurant...Pogue's...Mabley & Carew...Hills...InCahoots...

  6. that makes sense, even though I am a bit outraged that Dalton got the same number as Ken Anderson. As for the others:
    King Kwik: a local carryout store that ran ads with "The Kwik Brothers" who actually was just 1 person

    Gold Circle: local precursor to Wal Mart, Target, etc., without groceries

    Fantasy Farm was a local, small amusement park with animals as well. Located near Middletown, I think

    Van Luenens: another low end department store ( I think). May have been furniture. I can't quite remember

    Zantigo: think Taco Bell

    Pogue's: department store. May have been bought by Shillito-Rikes (AKA Macy's)

    InCahoots was a night club ( I think)

  7. I love the logos on these shirts. I moved to Arizona a couple years ago and looking at these logos reminds me of all the years in SW Ohio.

    Pogues - downtown department store different from Shillitos which became Lazarus then Macys.

    Rinks - also known as Rinks Bargain City a store similar to Wal Mart of today located on Route 4 in Hamilton. The Bargain City Kid and Willie Thall used to be the pitchmen for this store owned by Hy Ullner (the Bargain City Kid) on Shock Theater and Saturday afternoon Wrestling.

    Swallen's - precursor to Wal Mart.

    Mabley and Carew - downtown dept store like Pogues and Shillitos.

    Jack and Klus - steakhouse on Central Parkway. Ted Kluszewski partnered with Jack (don't know his last name) in this eatery.

    Cincinnati Royals shirts bring back memories of Cincinnati Gardens, the Big O, Jerry Lucas, et al.

    Fantasy Farms - located on Rte 4 between Hamilton and Middletown next to LeSourdsville Lake (eventually becoming Americana Amusement Park)

    14>9 - I am not sure but I am gonna guess that #14 it Pete Rose and the 9 is the number of players on the other team. I might be wrong but that is my guess. The Anderson vs Palmer thing might be correct ... I don't know.

    Anyway ... great logos, but, are the shirts good material?

  8. GSW - Rinks I actually knew because I worked in Mount Healthy for a few years.

    Oddly, I taught with a Swallen brother when I first got to Princeton - though he wasn't in the business side of the family.

    Jack and Klus - fascinating...wonder who Jack was. Klu, of course, I know.

    Were you in Cincy to see the Royals when they were here?

    I doubt whether the shirts are heavyweight. I find that most of the shirts printed like that tend to be pretty thin. I can't speak to ever having had one of these in my hand, though.

  9. the Jack everyone is trying to figure out, I believe is Jack Ruby.

  10. Oh yeah and the King Cobra is the roller coaster that used to be at Kings Island. It was the were you stood up instead of sitting.
