November 14, 2011

The ultimate in narcicissm

The new versions of Picasa has a feature called FaceMovie that takes all the pics identified for one person and turns them into a movie with the faces roughly stacked on top of each other.

This would be great for graduation or wedding or whatever videos.

Or just for being a narcissist.


  1. Huh, I guess I have to update Picasa. I would hate to let an opportunity for narcissism to go to waste!

  2. I like watching the varying hair lengths...

  3. Olabimpe - I was surprised by it when I did the latest update. It's kinda cool, but I'm guessing I won't be using it very often.

    Calen - Your mother likes watching the varying hair lengths.

  4. What I find amazing is that some of the mannerisms that are truly "PHSChemGuy"...isms are caught in those pics. Everyone changes over time, as it should be, but it is also nice to know that you can almost always count on some things staying the same. Comforting.

  5. I'm pretty much formed as a person at this point.
