February 6, 2012

Kick butt artists of kick butt women

The blog DC Women Kicking A$$ has been running a series of polls about the best artists drawing the best DC female characters. My choices...
  • Oracle - Ed Benes...to me Oracle is Birds of Prey, and Ed Benes is the BoP artist...
  • Donna Troy - George Perez...Wonder Girl belongs in the Teen Titans of the 1980s, so that has to be George Perez...
  • Supergirl - I would take Ed Benes if he was in the running...of those, I'll take Leonard Kirk...I hate Michael Turner's work on anything...
  • The Huntress - Dustin Nguyen...I LOVE Nguyen's watercolor work...gorgeous stuff...
  • Harley Quinn - I prefer the work of Terry Dodson, but I get that Bruce Timm created the character
  • Lois Lane - none of those really look right to me...I like the work of Cooke, Sale, and Quietly, but they're all too distinctive to seem definitive to me...Merino looks right to me, though...
  • Black Canary - Cliff Chiang or Dick Giordano...I prefer the work of Chiang, but Giordano is how I see the character because he drew Canary when I was growing up, so that's what she looks like in my head
  • Cassandra Cain / Batgirl - Damion Scott, no question there even though the James Jean cover is gorgeous...
  • Barbara Gordon / Batgirl - Chiang's work is so pretty, but the first three are the artists of my childhood, so I'll take Infantino because that image shown is the definitive Batgirl for me...don't like Adam Hughes's chin strap on that image, always bothered me...
  • Zatanna - the Rick Mays makes her look like a little girl, absolutely not how I imagine Zatanna...totally take Adam Hughes here...
  • Power Girl - I haven't looked at the choices yet, but there's a certain distinctive feature that I'm curious to see how each artist draws...Amanda Connor is the run I've liked best, though that is one of my favorite Adam Hughes drawings...
  • Stephanie Brown - I hate Damion Scott's image here, especially Stephanie's hair...go with Pere Perez here...
  • Catwoman - tough calls here...the chosen Jim Balent isn't a great one, but I loved that costume and run...Tim Sale and Daryn Cooke are gorgeous but again, too distinctive...Cooke, actually is the best run of Catwoman, so I'll choose him...this is one character who's had so many great costumes that every look has been unique...
  • Big Barda - I loved that JLA run, so I'll go with Howard Porter, but I know that Kirby created her and deserves my vote...he's just not the one I like best...
I assume we'll get a Wonder Woman choice up next...maybe Poison Ivy, Hawkgirl. We're at fourteen characters so far, so I'm assuming there'll be two more to make it a sixteen-character tourney.

Oh, and I love the promo image of the Silk Spectre issue of the Before Watchmen series. (Great coverage of Twitter reaction to the announcement of the prequels, by the way...)

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