March 21, 2012

Another Lego blog?

Man, I love Legos, but there are a few reasons why I don't play with them very often.

First, building with Legos is an expensive hobby. Whether you're buying things from the direct market or from the grey market, Legos are quality built and appropriately priced. Heck, there are entire blogs pretty much devoted to telling you where you can find the best Lego sales.

Second, building with Lego bricks takes a bunch of time to get good. Some of the creations I've highlighted before took hundreds and hundreds of hours to complete. I may waste a lot of time in my life, but I have other ways to play around.

Third, the Lego creations I see on the web are awesome, and I'm kind of intimidated. Take, for example, the creations of Baron von Brunk, as shown on his tumblr.

The friggin' transformers actually transform.

Seriously...transformers made out of Lego...

I am humbled.

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