May 2, 2012

LonnieBurger Baskets: Trinity Pub

There are three 'Irish' pubs within quick driving distance from The Homestead: The Dingle House, The Brazenhead, and Trinity Pub. Or, as The Girl and I refer to them, West Chester Irish, Mason Irish, and Trailer Park Irish. Of the three, The Brazenhead is by far the most 'Irish', and the other two are at best a suburbaized Irish.

While it may, admittedly, not be very Irish, Trinity Pub (they're right next to a trailer park, and their initials are TP, see?) is a nice place to grab a bite or a drink after school - especially for those of us coming this way anyway, and the food that I've tried has all been pretty solid, so I thought I'd give their burger a try.  Let's see how they did.

  • The Burger didn't of course, come with that big bite out of the top right portion.That was me being a little over-eager...and the blobs are just tomato bits. They look kinda like

    I ordered the Trinity Burger with cheddar swapped out for Gorgonzola. That meant I got bacon, cheese, and their steak sauce (some kind of creamy A-1.)

    The burger had a good, grilled flavor, like it had been cooked over a charcoal or wood grill. Tasty stuff. Not the nice crust that you can get from a direct, hot griddle, though. Convection versus conduction, doncha know... Good grill marks, good beef flavor. Burger - 7 

  • Bacon - pretty good...cheese - sufficiently melted but not special...lettuce, tomato, onion - all pretty standard...creamy A-1 sauce - good but pretty much bottle stuff...overall, good by not great Toppings - 6

  • Good fries...nice, hot, tasty. A little pepper on them is a nice touch. Crispy but pretty much straight from bag to fryer to plate. Fries - 6.5 

  • It's not Irish. Let's get that out of the way first thing. This is a British/Irish pub in very little other than a few menu items. I'm okay with that, though, because it's a fun place anyway even at standard American bar. The food is a little upscale (and priced appropriately to that), and there are a fair number of televisions on the wall tuned to ESPN or whatever ballgame happens to be on (NFL draft on the night we visited this time.) As all Ohio bars/restaurants are, it is non-smoking except for the rear porch which faces a nice, wooded area. The inside is rich with deep, dark wood but still pretty airy because of the prevalent windows. On Friday and Saturday nights, though, the place does turn into some kind of old folks (40s-50s) dance club, which is a little sad for anybody who just wants a late-night drink or burger. Ambiance - 7 
  • Burger with fries $10 + Diet Coke $2 = $12 before tip. That's a little dire for a not-too-special-just-solidly-good burger. Cost - 3  
Other stuff
  • The waitress pointed out that I could get the same burger as a build-your-own which comes with cheese and one topping (bacon). She saved me a buck. +1
  • The waitress came back and said that because of the steak sauce, she had to ring things up as the Trinity Burger which was back to the original $10. Seriously, the pour of sauce was worth a buck? -1 
  • Not much else special here. Good beer selection at reasonable prices, but it's nothing that bunch of other bars don't have.
The math...+1-1+3+7+6+6.5+7 = 29.5...middle of the pack for Trailer Park Irish.
  • Terry's Turf Club - 45
  • Cafe de Wheels - 44
  • Senate - 43 
  • City View Tavern - 40 (scaled from 32/40)
  • Stuffed on Vine - 38
  • Five Guys Burgers and Fries - 36 
  • Roxy's - 36 
  • FlipDaddy's - 35.5
  • Sonny's Three Meat Burgers - 35 
  • VanZandt - 34
  • Gabby's - 34 
  • Oakley Pub & Grill - 34 
  • Quatman's - 32 / 34.5
  • Troy's - 32 
  • By Golly's - 32
  • Wildflower Cafe - 31.25 (scaled from 26/40) 
  • Sidetracks - 31 
  • Trinity Pub - 29.5
  • Virgil's Cafe - 28 
  • Tank's Bar & Grill - 28
  • The Pub at Rookwood Mews - 28
  • Smashburger - 28
  • Habits Cafe - 28
  • Graffiti Burger - 27
  • Arthur's - 26
  • Sammy's - 25 
  • Skinny Legs - 25
  • Gordo's (Fairfield) - 20


  1. The owner of Trinity is actually from Ireland. Seriously, I've spoken to him.

  2. Kinda cool...

    I stand by my statement that the place doesn't feel Irish to me.

    Admittedly, I spent a year in Scotland but never got to Ireland, so I guess it doesn't feel Scottish.

    They're the same place, right?
