August 9, 2012

Sleepwalk With Me - a request for help

Looks like This American Life - one of the most outstanding radio programs out there - has decided to step into the movie business, producing a film based on a Mike Birbiglia bit that the show carried a couple of years back. Here's the trailer...

...and here's the original bit from the radio show...(yeah, YouTube clip of a radio show, shuddup)

The people over at This American Life are trying to get the film into as many theaters as possible and have a page up requesting people hit up Twitter, email, Facebook, and whatever other social media to get the film into their local theater. From what I know about the show - brilliant ever week...the original Birbiglia bit - hilarious and emotionally honest...and the movie - funny trailer...I'm all okay with helping them out.

Take a look at the videos up there and see if you'd be willing to help them out, too.

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