October 2, 2012


Two years ago, this plant looked like this...

...one main plant with three 'trunks', each ending in a leafy whatever. If I'd've known then that I was going to be discussing the plant now, I would've taken a full-plant picture. C'est la vie...

Today, however, the same plant looks like this...

It'll be back inside within a month, I'm sure, but the big change is that two of the three stalks have broken off and been replanted. One of them is in this pot and is not an independent plant on its own right. The other stalk - topped at one time with four green, leafy whatevers were planted into a new pot with two of them surviving as full plants.

In each case where a stalk broke off, a new one began growing after a few weeks, leaving us now with a main plant that will soon end in almost a dozen different green growth areas.

The fauna around The Homestead may be struggling this fall, but the flora is doing just fine.

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