August 19, 2013

Lego, not Lego

The Lego group has a bunch of adult fans of Lego (AFOL) - me among them.

Some of those fans are dedicated enough that they just aren't satisfied with just the official Lego releases.

So they turn to BrickArms where they can get Lego-scaled rocket launchers...

...or custom Shaun of the Dead figures...

Or they turn to MMCB for their most custom of cloth, minifigure-sized accessories like custom-colored, phoenix-printed capes...or general dracula-style capery for their minifigures...

...or Arealight for their custom Star Wars-themed Lego-ish figures

...of Brickforge to get all sorts of minifigure-fitting weaponry and accessories...

...and Custom Crazy's Shop for war hammers and skull armor (and lots more)...

...Brick TW's store for oriental accessories and fully-chromed minifigs...

...or Citizen Brick's ink or 'botany' enthusiasts...

Me, I'm just going to be happy with the collectible minifigs series 11.

1 comment:

  1. How great would it be if they have legit transformers lego pieces?!! I'd totally buy them all.

    -Keoni Robinson
