August 7, 2013

The Pale, Blue Dot

Each week ZenPencils illustrates a quote, a speech, a something.

Recently they hit one of the most wonderful quotes around, Carl Sagan's Pale, Blue Dot speech. Take a look at the full comic on their site.

And see the original photo (from NASA)...

(You have to know where to look to see us.)

...and an animated response...

Pale Blue Dot from ORDER on Vimeo.

More images of Earth from space can be found over here, too.


  1. XKCD must have been following along as well....About the same time, this was the comic of the day.

  2. It's always fascinating to think about how much we've accomplished in our species' history, and yet how incredibly trivial all of it is in the overall scheme of things. I really enjoy thinking about these things from time to time. It's somewhat depressing, yes, but it's also inspiring in how we, so insignificant, can do so much despite how insignificant we are, just because we want to.

  3. Smamy - I did see that a while back but forgot to include it. I love that he was mocking how insignificant a dot on the film we must've been

    TechnoMonkey76 - I don't find it depressing in the least. Our world is huge for us. The universe is just far huger.

    In the grand scheme of the universe, we are nothing. Our time here won't matter.

    In the grand scheme of the planet, we will have more influence, but I doubt whether our influence will be felt in a million years (or certainly in a billion).

    In the grand scheme of our species, we're pretty outstandingly important.
