May 7, 2014


I've been playing QuizUp for a few weeks now, having downloaded the app on the eve of our trip to Chicago via MegaBus. Since then I've thrown myself whole-heartedly into the QuizUp frenzy.

I'm on as Lonnie Dusch (the alias that phschemguy uses when I'm in meatspace), and I'm rocking the chemistry category, having made (as of Sunday evening) it to level 45 and needing only five more categories to top out the titles there with Private Ion. Though I really like the idea of level 50 on Periodic Table getting me nicknamed as Mendeleev's kin. Or the choice of Splitter of Atoms if I get to level 40 in the Scientists category.

Currently I'm rocking the Flux Capacitor title having earned that achievement most recently. I think I'll stick with the science-themed nicknames as I'm kind of using it as a way to interact with my students (some of them anyway). Admittedly, I'm an achievements-chaser. Currently I'm working on UN Assembly (play matches against players from 100 countries - I'm at 61 and counting), The Big Kahuna Burger (reach level 15 in Snacks and Quentin Tarantino - I'm at 6 in Snacks and 5 in Quentin Tarantino so far), and David (as I am currently challenging some 60+ level folks in the Tennis category before I've even made it past level 1 myself.) So far I'm proudest of the Ramtastic achievement of fifty consecutive victories, mostly in the Chemistry category.

My favorite categories at this point are Chemistry (level 45), grammar (17), Batman (the comics - 16), and Name the Element (16).

My next steps for this summer will be to contribute some questions, partially to get the Sphinx achievement and partially to help make the game better. At this point I pretty much know all the chemistry questions and answers by heart, barely having to read each question to know the answer instantly.

Anybody wanna challenge me?

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