July 2, 2014

My musical radar

...more comic book radar, really...

Great stuff...
  • Saga, vol 3 - This continues to be fascinating with wildly un-human characters doing incredibly human things. There're also two new plot lines - two reporters come hunting the Alana/Marko pairing, and Marko's mother perhaps finds a new love. Great stuff
  • Locke and Key: Alpha and Omega - The series is done, finished, marvelously well wrapped up. I cried, admittedly, as key characters went away - one of whom does come back in the end. I can't imagine a more perfect wrap-up than Joe Hill manages here.
  • Inside Llewyn Davis - It's a slow build to the marvelous close, but it's worth getting there. I do warn that it's slow getting there, very...very...very slow. Stick with it; it's worth it.
  • Breaking Bad, season 1 - We finally got to...and through...the first season of Breaking Bad, and it was well worth the time and investment. Second season up next...
Decent stuff
  • The World's End -fun set-up (former friends get back to their hometown to finish a long-past pub crawl only to find the town over-run by aliens...or robots...or something)...and occasionally fun to get there, but the finale is stupid...
  • Prophet - hard to follow because the artwork is very hard to distinguish and because the plot is weirdly repetitive but unconnected (cloned John Prophets on wildly spread planets trying to get back together)...interesting ideas but not worth fighting through or hunting down another volume...
  • Jazz by Queen - not a great album from a great group...way too disco-influenced
  • FBP (Federal Bureau of Physics) - When the laws of physics are breaking down, there has to be a governmental agency to protect us...in fiction there does, anyway...interesting enough to give the second volume a check when it comes out
Bad stuff
  • Dexter (comic) - This is an awful volume putting out a story with little of the feeling of the television show and using the realm of comics to make a far-grander (and far-less-human) story. To be avoided...

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