August 24, 2014

Welcome, noobs

It's that time of year when I invite my new students to join the blog - or at least have an assignment that requires them to visit the blog once.

So, hey, there new folks...

A basic bit about the blog...I tend to post three or four times a week, usually on a M-W-F schedule plus a list of links on Saturday morning. Sometimes a post will be a lengthy rambling on a topic; sometimes a music playlist; sometimes reviews of music, restaurants, movies, and books - often comic books - that I've read lately; sometimes just a quick listing of some of my favorite things.

This week, for example, I'll have some thoughts on my favorite trilogies - books and movies.

Suggestions for where to start - other than just looking chronologically backwards through the posts...
  • Advice posts...particularly check out the series of one-word advice topics
  • Batman's dead parents...Batman just wouldn't be Batman without his parents being dead
  • Comic book recommendations...Everybody should be reading more comic books. There are some great ones out there, and these are my best recommendations - both for beginers and for more advanced students of the genre.
  • Commentary...longer thoughts about things
  • IDTMI...these are columns that I wrote for my college newspaper when I was a senior...they're naive and insulting at times, but the beliefs are somewhat still my own
  • Lonnieburger reviews of the best burger places around Cincinnati
  • Our Year of Living reviews of the best steakhouses in Cincinnati (though I never actually wrote up the best one: Jeff Ruby's downtown)
Other than that, feel free to click through any of the other tags or just check in from time to time.

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