May 4, 2015

And we go again...

What've you been reading?

Here's my answer...
  • Batman: Zero Year - Secret City - Holy crap with the long title and subtitles...weak artwork, moderately interesting story about Bruce Wayne when he was first being Batman...fighting 'Red Hood' who he throws into a vat of Axis Chemicals in the finale...nothing revolutionary but probably something necessary to establish in the New 52 that this happened there, too...three out of five stars...
  • Wolvering and the X-Men (vol 8) - interesting stories of the students at the Jean Grey School for mutants or weirdos or whatever with Wolvie as headmaster...they've written some new and intriguing baby X-Men of late...worth a read but certainly not required...three of five...
  • Justice League (vol 5) Forever Heroes - Crime Syndicate (from Earth, I think, 3) come to the main title and the main Earth in the New 52...weirdly, this volume doesn't have a single appearance by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, or the rest of the actual Justice League...six issues without the main characters other than Cyborg who has to save the day...kind of a fascinating premise...I really do like the Crime Syndicate way more than I should...I'm curious to see where this is going...four of five...
  • Adventures of Superman (vol 1-3) - bunch of short stories about Superman - some a full issue long, some only a few pages - most of which could have shown up at any time in the New 52 continuity...not every one is perfect, but a lot of them are of really high quality...four of five
  • X-Men (vol 1-3) - this has to be the twentieth series titled X-Men, good lord...actually, I think it's only the fourth, but who's counting...most of these issues are of a team of all-female X-Men (Ororo, Rogue, Jubilee, Psylock, Rachel Grey, and a couple of others I don't know from before)...decently interesting stories including some inner-team conflict and some reborn lady villains (no idea who female heroes can only fight female villains - Lady Deathstrike, Madelyn Pryor, Selene, Arkea)...three out of five...
  • Fables (vol 9) - I've read the whole series before, but I'm rereading them as I get the collected hardbacks...this one was a gift from the parents for m'birthday (don't know if I mentioned, forty)...war comes to Fables - and ends within this volume...great plan from the Fabletown Fables to take down the Empire via a series of surgical strikes...great writing...four of five stars

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