June 10, 2015

Update: QuizMeUp

Some updates on where I am in my attempts to get every achievement in QuizUp...

I've passed 9000 games (actually up to 9265 as I post this) played on my quest to get the Ubreakable achievement (10,000 games played)...

...and am at 79% winning percentage which means I have about 7320 wins on my way to Praetorian status (needing 10,000 wins to earn it)...

Currently I'm working my way through the 80's Music category, having gotten now to level 43 and being (at least before this week's vacation in a South Carolina campground (and likely without much cell reception) in the top ten in the world in that category for this month...


...even having beaten the number one player in the world in that category.

Go me!

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