July 30, 2005

A sometimes missed gem...

I live just north of Cincinnati outside the loop of I-275 and have for a little over a year now. It's certainly been a bit of a loss moving out of the city - we used to live in Northside - with no more ability to walk to the local library and the post office and the Comet just up the hill, but we've been thrilled with the move, and especially with some of the gems that we've found out here a little more in the burbs...

Such as Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, an amazing space in Hamilton! - City of Sculpture. It's a private park, so it does cost to get in, but the landscaping and the scukptures - most of the quite large - make for a wonderful setting and place to spend an afternoon, take a picnic lunch (as we're planning to do this week with some friends and their kids this week) or just to visit. It's the kind of place that I think everybody in the Cinicnnati area should visit at least once. Really neat...

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