August 13, 2005

Better (and more expensive) living through chemistry...

Karlen and I were in the local Kroger Thursday night grabbing some granola bars and other snacks for our twelve-mile canoeing excursion yesterday (quick review: fun) when she pointed out the most amazing new product: Wolfgang Puck's Gourmet Lattes in self-heating cans.


The thing's gotta be better than the HeaterMeals that I usually use in my chemistry classes to demonstrate exothermic reactions, because these cost a measely $3 per latte instead of about $5 per HeaterMeal - and the lattes don't have like 300% of your USRDA of sodium per serving.

This thing's gonna rock - of course, I don't drink coffee and haven't actually used one yet 'cause they cost like $3 each, but I'm sure they'll be the most amazing things ever. To check more about them, here are some links dealing with these new revolutionary products certain to make our world about 3456 times better

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of my post on genetic engineering...THAT'S ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE THOUGH! Self-heating?? WOW...thanks for enlightening me.
