August 4, 2005

A little cheerier...

Sorry for those last couple of posts, folks...occasionally life intrudes on all our fun around here...but now, back to the frivolity...

Every month the World Almanac people compile a list of entertaining - and sometimes important - dates and anniverseries for that month. For the month of August 2005, we get to learn that the August 13-29 is the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, that the US Open tennis tourney starts August 29th, and that National Aviation Day falls on August 19th this year. Also, we see that today is the 50th birthday of our current US Attourney General, Alberto Gonzalez. They give us a recap of the significant passings and events of July as well as a couple of stranger stories - like that fact that more than 100 Santa Clauses met in Copenhagen in July to compete in Santa-skills contests. But my favorite section is the "Links of the Month" from the editor in chief. It's down toward the bottom of the page, and it always seems totally random. There's only a slight theme, but it ends up being mostly stream of consciousness from Edward A. Thomas (for now). Strange things pop in and out each month.

You can subscribe to have the link sent to you on the first of each month easily enough, or you can head over here and click on the Free World Almanac Newsletter for the current one.

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