August 31, 2005

Not in my school...

I've heard of loose and permissive discipline, and we certainly have a number of teachers in our building who swing the other way toward being tyrants and strict disciplinarians...but this just seems insanely ridiculous...

Pretty much every first year teacher has had discipline issues that they've tried to deal with in one way or another - discipline contracts, isolation of students, being too harsh, being too soft - and eventually you reach level of control with you and freedom for the students with which you're comfortable.

Seriously, though, this seems like an utterly crazy attempt at permissive discipline. I'll admit that I have no clue what the students are currently like, what their backgrounds are, what sort of culture they come from, or anything at all. Typically, that means I'd be loathe to comment on anyone else's solutions to their problems, but this one just sounds kinda nutty.

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