September 7, 2005

Personalization...blessing and curse...

Google is now offering the opportunity to personalize your homepage setting it up so that just the news you want to see shows up for you. This works through a thing called RSS which allows a news (or other provider) to send updates directly to your webpage (my personalized google, for example) where just the headlines I want show up. For example, I've chosen to see the major headlines from Google's news, CNN, the Cincinnati Enquirer (but just local news there - could've chosen dining if I'd wanted to, or any of a couple fodzen other options), News Askew headlines (in case Kevin Smith does something important, you know), local movie times, the weather, a word of the day, and weird news from Reuters.

This is an awesome thing, right? I get just the news I care about, see the headlines I want and can click to read more.

Or is it?

It also means that I don't learn about things that I haven't previously said interest me. In one of my very earliest posts, I mentioned EPIC 2014, a scary view of the future of the internet. Check it if you haven't previously.

All that being said, I've got my personalized google page as my new

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