August 18, 2006

Bob Dylan skews young...

Somebody please tell me why Bob Dylan has a MySpace page.

I'm just confused.


  1. Just searching for every name on my class rosters for the comming year like all good teachers are doing this week...

    We had an in-service last week (great title - They Really are Out There - and So are You) that suggested we check MySpace, YouTube, Friendster, Facebook, Blogger, and LiveJournal to learn about our upcoming students...

    Or maybe I just happened upon a news item pointing out that Dylan had a MySpace page and that seemed horrifically anachronistic to me...

  2. hey, when did you get your class roster?

  3. Clearly sarcasm doesn't come across the interweb...

    I don't have my rosters yet.

    I don't troll (sp?) any of those websites looking for my future or current or past students.

    I will admit to checking in from time to time on, but that's about it.


    "Earth to Beck, I was just kidding."

  4. Oh, and tomorrow's post will blow your little minds...

    good stuff...

    already written (I just wrote one for August 31st today, I'm that far ahead)...

  5. Our SRO actually does troll myspace on a regular basis. Last year it contributed to 5 arrests in Floyd County. :) According to our inservice myspace is the cause of all gang activity in the area. I am sure I believe that.

    You would think that the beginning of the year we would hear about more important things then myspace.

    On a side note.... I give mom 5 days to sign up for a myspace account now after she sees this.

  6. Your SRO sounds rockingly technological...ours asked me last year how to use PowerPoint so he could do a presentation...

    nice guy, though...
