December 13, 2006

More linky goodness

So much good stuff on Transbuddha and Technically Overboard lately that I just had to point some of it out...not replacing my single original post a day, just augmenting it...


  1. 61% dark, 38% spontaneous, 63% vulgar

    so basically, as sick and twisted as your jokes get, i will 1) always laugh and 2) in my head be thinking of a way to make it worse

    not surprising at all to me haha...pretty accurate test

  2. 57% Dark, 57% Spontaneous, 52% Vulgar.

    Those don't add up.

  3. Ah, but they don't have to add up to 100% or anything.

    There are three scales - you score from 1-100 on each of the three. Your humor is a little darker than it is light, a little more spontaneous than planned out, and a little more vulgar than clean.

    With a profile like that, my guess is that you could find most anything a little funny.

  4. Haha. You're probably right.
    And thanks for answering my question.
