December 31, 2006

There's no B

I've hit the Beasties and Wilco tours of YouTube, and I figure I might as well drop a tour of YouTube with another of my favorite artists...Here's some quality Ryan Adams for your listening pleasure...

Most all of these are live 'cause Adams hasn't done many official videos (kind of like Wilco in that vein), so the quality is a bit inconsistent, but I've tried to choose the best quality enjoy...

"Winding Wheel" - solo acoustic

"Come Pick Me Up" from Letterman - less electric than the album version

At his commercial peak

"Answering Bell" with Adam Duritz on Leno

"Let it Ride" on Letterman

"New York, New York" - an official video with an timely setting and disclaimer

"When the Stars Go Blue" - another semi-official video

"So Alive" - official video from his rock album

"So Alive" on Letterman (I'm thinking Dave's a fan)

"New York, New York" on Letterman (again)

"House is Not a Home" - on Later

"Touch, Feel, & Lose" live

"Oh My Sweet Caroline" solo, acoustic

"Winding Wheel" - solo, acoustic, and on a stool

"Sylvia Plath" on some TV show

"La Cienga Just Smiled" live

Turns out that the Austin City Limits videos I was hunting for and had seen on YouTube a while back have been removed...darn that Google merger...

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