February 15, 2007

Another export to the colonies

I know, I know...I may as well just scream that I'm pretty much hopelessly behind the times in terms of new music, but I thought I'd take a post and pimp for Lily Allen - Britain's newest pop/ska/dub/old skool export. Yeah, she's been all over the magical interweb and all, but she's still worth checking out. The sound is easy and pleasant, and the lyrics turn out to be really kinda snarky. Highly recommended.

- Lily Allen & The Rakes - "Let's Dance" (live)

- Lily Allen - "Littlest Things"

- Lily Allen - "LDN"

- Lily Allen - "LDN" (live)

- Lily Allen - "Alfie"

- Lily Allen on the internet

- Lily Allen - "Friday Night" (live)

- Lily Allen - "Smile"

- Lily Allen - "Smile" (live)

- Lily Allen - "LDN" (alternate video)

- Lily Allen - "Smile" (live)

- Lily Allen - "LDN" (live)

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