March 15, 2007

I love the smell of Btk in the morning

Looks like we'll be re-enacting a scene from Short Cuts this spring when the helicopters rain down Btk (bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, a pesticide designed specifically to fight the gypsy moth) on our neighborhood.

I know I'm a science teacher and all, and as such should be trusting in the part of the Enquirer story when it tells me that "The Spray won't hurt anybody", but for some reason, I'm a little leary.

I'm thinking that the dogs will be spending those mornings inside.


  1. Oh, no worries there...they did it a couple of years ago as well. It's just a species of bacteria that has no ill-effects on us, in fact you've been eating Bt corn and wheat for decades now.

    Besides, no one notices that third ear growing on the back of your neck...really.

    word verification: thxor
    too many jokes...

  2. It's not the third ear that I'm worried's the nubbin...

    Not that I'm likely to pass anything down anyway...

  3. I thought you had a gotta be careful with those things and make sure you never anger it.

  4. oh god...

    I don't know, what's a kundus with you?
