July 21, 2007

Again I ask, why?

I've owned a couple of Swiss Army knives in my time (though I've moved on to a Leatherman now because I'm an adult), and I'm moderately impressed with most of the engineering on the Swiss Army knives.

But this one - which appears to my eyes to be a real item available from the company - seems...well...stupid.


  1. I wish one of my fingers (like my left ring finger so I would a great excuse...I hate rings thats all) were a swiss army knife.

  2. That would be so friggin' cool...

    Though I'd take the Leatherman attachment instead...

  3. Wow - that things never fittin in my pocket. In fact if it did I'd expect to be arrested for lewd behavior.



  4. god i wish i still had that photoshop :) haha

  5. The secret is to continually remind people that you've got a Swiss Army Knife in your pocket...

    ...AND that you're glad to see them...
