July 26, 2007


SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

New stuff comin' atcha...

Today's find is Seeqpod.com, a nice bit of interweb searching and an emedable music player. I found it a few weeks ago in skimming through the various blogs I check daily and started a decent little digging on it. The site lets you login, create a bunch of playlists (by searching the web for playable mp3 files), and throw them out to your friends via stuff like...well...a blog. If that's your thing, ya know...

So, today I offer you a cd I call simply Lonnie's CD because it's the first one I burned when we got the new computers with burnable drives. It's a combo of the various music that was bouncing around in my head (mostly coming from the library) 'round that time, and it's still probably my favorite single cd that I've got around.

I'm one song short as of the posting of this, but I've got Seeqpod searching for it, and it should be added in the next lil bit.

Enjoy it...

...or don't...

And if the embed doesn't work for you, head on over here.


  1. The embed isn't perfect but U got it to play most of the songs. Great site. Excellent set!

  2. wow! 88 lines about 44 women rocked my world...worried about kidos hearin that one???

    And the XTC cut Greenman follows that wonderfully!
    The whole play list rocks!

  3. Good call on deleting "88 Lines..."...I'd forgotten about some of the wording there...

    Glad I could throw a little musical enjoyment across the big pond...

  4. I'm pretty much hooked now...thanks a bunch. And I already listened to 88 lines. Oh well. I agree with Lakes though - I love Greenman. I also really like the first track.

  5. That "88 Lines..." song is awesome - one of my favorite forgotten gems from the '80s.

    And if you dig "Greenman", check more of XTC's stuff. I'd especially recommend Skylarking and Apple Venus
