August 14, 2007

Big timer...step clear...

I have apparently made the big time as Transbuddha linked to me in yesterday's post about the wonders of Wikipedia.

Between that and a permanent link on Technically Overboard's sidebar, I do belive that my blogging life is complete.


  1. Well, I guess you can die now...

  2. Hey, can I still talk to you?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So, this would be a good time to let you know that you're listed on the 'Sites We Like' sidebar, eh?

  5. But have you been cited on Wikipedia? (check the link after the Sufjan Stevens lyrics)

  6. Calen, you may always talk to me. My people have you on the list of folks who always get through. Now whether I respond is another matter entirely.

    Alphamonkey, you have no clue how dorkily happy you have made me.

    Kyle, I'm not cited on Wikipedia, but that's really cool. And the version by Sufjan is painfully well done. So moving...

  7. Ah, even in the realization of his own greatness, PHSChemguy still stays modest...he may have never been cited on Wikipedia, but he has submitted an entire and amazingly (and, kinda sadly) thorough entry on Wikipedia:

    And, Chemguy...nice to know our lines of communication remain pretty much the same as they've always been...

  8. i'm nothing in the blog world. this has me wanting to jump and blog harder at the same time. you're on my "blogs i dig" space but i have always wondered what it takes to get on I know. Thata boy!

  9. Congrats! I have to say, you are getting pretty darn good at the whole blog thing. Keep up the good blogging.

  10. Thanks for the compliments, folks. It's a labor of love, and it's a whole lot easier when I know people are paying some attention.

    Like I was at school on Friday, and one of the students mentioned something I'd blogged about. I didn't have a clue that she was checking in and paying any attention at all. Apparently she's a lurker 'round these parts which doesn't give the cool feedback and love like you guys drop on me regularly.

