August 29, 2007

Thanks to a former colleague...not Lakes, though...

Wonderful new stuff from the folks down at here if the embed doesn't work for you...

If ever there was an attraction that might drag my backside to Disney, this would be the one.

More info can be found here, here, here (when they visited Pixar), here, and here.

How abso-frickin'-cool...


  1. more proof that diz is the devil and about to take over the world. scary scary stuff.
    they did give us Brittany Spears...

  2. dude. this like... requires a trip by someone for the pure reason of getting a beaker picture.

    like...your beaker...not ... whatever

  3. Joey - I'm tempted, I'll admit. But there's always been some sort of sick pride in being the one weird guy who can say, "No, I've never been to Disney"'s like I can also say I've never seen Gone With the Wind or It's a Wonderful Life

    Lakes - gonne have to disagree with ya here...Spears became famous when she grew breasts...and I really doubt that the animatronic Beakre/Bunsen combo is some sort of world domination plot or anything...

  4. Why am I not surprised... There are times I wish I could say the same. Apparently, I'm residing there.
    Lakes, now I can't agree with you more on the quality of superlatives? Why did we do those again?! ;-)
