November 26, 2007


I couldn't sleep Sunday morning, so at 3:30 in the frickin' morning, I was awake and in the basement surfing the web. My insomnia is your benefit, though, as you get to check out the coolest movie trailers I could find...
  • Jumper - caught this one at the front of American Gangster this weekend...looks a little goofy but intriguing, could be fun
  • The Mist - King's movies tend to be poor, but this short story scared the bejesus out of me
  • Mr. Untouchable - a documentary of intersecting events with American Gangster...supposedly not as good, so probably not for the theater, but it'd be interesting to see the non-fiction side
  • Step Up 2 the Streets - this would be horribly formulaic, predictable, and bland...but I've liked a lot of films of this style, so I'll probably end up hunting it down at PLCH someday
  • Wristcutters: a love story - thoroughly intriguing...looks like it could just be outstanding
  • Harold & Kumar 2 - the original was hilarious...I'll give the sequel the benefit of the doubt
  • Shine a Light - how can they have a rock doc directed by Scorsese without mentioning that he did The Last Waltz? And will these guys every frickin' die?
  • I Am Legend - the first trailer didn't do much for me, but the second trailer (on the screen before American Gangster) hooked me...Will Smith as the last man on Earth (though I imagine the film might show some hint that he's not alone - just a total guess based on reading other stories of the ilk) fighting for his life against what appear to be zombie-vampires...and he's got a dog for a sidekick...I'm in
  • Slipstream - a movie about a movie writier writing a movie about...the trailer doesn't make things all that clear, but it seems odd enough that it's intriguing
  • Be Kind Rewind - I think I might've pointed this out before, but it looks pretty funny, though it might stumble a bit into heart-warming - something I'm not in the mood for this morning
  • King Corn - another food documentary...sign me up...
That's all for today, folks. I'm not in the mood to sit through another "inspired by a true story" pile of crap. Sorry, but I'm looking for hilarious rather than moving today...


  1. wristcutters fo sho!


  2. The Mist was excellent. one of the most daring, shocking endings i've ever seen on a movie. a total 180 from the story.

    Wristcutters was there and gone from Esquire so fast i didn't get to see it but i very much want to.

  3. I really want to get back in town so I can hit Mariemont and the Esquire for all the movies. There's just so much I've missed...hopefully I'll be able to catch Golden Compass when I'm home.


  4. i like hollywood blockbusters.

    oh, and dane cook too.

  5. Katydid, we've chatted about The Mist a couple of times, and I'm intrigued because the reviews have been very mixed. I don't know if the ending set everybody off or what, but people can't seem to agree on it in the least.

    Didn't know that Wristcutters was already here and gone.

    Dan - no art-house theaters up in the hundred mile wilderness?

    Joey - you're alone on Dane...I can't go there with you...
