November 5, 2007

Make and remember how to bake

You've got all kind of recipes rolling around in your head, recipes that the world needs to have on hand just in case you were to kick off and let slip this mortal coil.

There's the one where instead of milk you put ice cream with the cereal in the morning.

Or the one where you take a refrigerator biscuit and turn it into a little pizza.

How 'bout when you mixed a can of Chef Boyardee with a batch of Kraft Mac & Cheese?

These culinary masterpieces can't be forgotten. But what're you gonna do to make sure that you get these gastronomic miracles to the wider market?

Make a custom cookbook. Throw down your recipes, mix in a few from a cooking website or two, and drop a few pretty pictures from their archives to make it look all professional.

Get to it, folks.


  1. the two dudes in the pic are weird. And scary.

  2. yup...highly freaky...but I think the one on the right is actually a woman - mom or grandma or something...I'd link to the original page with it (it's all about rating new cookbooks) but it's got a lot of inappropriate language...
